From Laboratory of Modeling in Biology and Medicine
Articles featured by executable codes (usually implemented in Matlab and/or BioNetGen):
Innate immunity
- Grabowski F, Kochańczyk M, Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Prus W, Lipniacki T. Antagonism between viral infection and innate immunity at the single-cell level, PLOS Pathog (accepted) bioRxiv Data
- Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Prus W, Kosiuk I, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Non-self RNA rewires IFNβ signaling: A mathematical model of the innate immune response (submitted to Sci Signal) bioRxiv
- Czerkies M, Korwek Z, Prus W, Kochańczyk M, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Tudelska K, Błoński S, Kimmel M, Brasier AR, Lipniacki T. Cell fate in antiviral response arises in the crosstalk of IRF, NF-κB and JAK/STAT pathways, Nature Communications 9:493 (2018) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppInfo-PDF SuppData SuppMovies SuppCode
NF-κB network
- Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Kosiuk I, Prus W, Lipniacki T. A plausible identifiable model of the canonical NF-κB signaling pathway, PLOS One 8(6):e0286416 (2023) PubMed CrossRef bioRxiv
- Tudelska K, Markiewicz J, Kochańczyk M, Czerkies M, Prus W, Korwek Z, Abdi A, Błoński S, Kaźmierczak B, Lipniacki T. Information processing in the NF-κB pathway, Scientific Reports 7:15926 (2017) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppInfo-PDF SuppCode-BNGL SuppCode-Py
- Korwek Z, Tudelska K, Nałęcz-Jawecki P, Czerkies M, Prus W, Markiewicz J, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Importins promote high-frequency NF-κB oscillations increasing information channel capacity, Biology Direct 11:61 (2016) CrossRef | PDF Scheme-PDF Supp-ModelInfo-PDF Supp-ModelCode-BNGL Supp-Figs Supp-Images
- Pękalski J, Zuk PJ, Kochańczyk M, Junkin M, Kellog R, Tay S, Lipniacki T. Spontaneous NF-κB activation by autocrine TNFα signaling: A computational analysis, PLOS One 8(11):e78887 (2013) PubMed CrossRef | PDF Supp-PDF Code-Matlab Code-BioNetGen Code-MatCont
- Tay S, Hughey J, Lee T, Lipniacki T, Covert M, Quake S. Single-cell NF-κB dynamics reveal digital activation and analogue information processing, Nature 466:267-271 (2010) PubMed CrossRef | PDF Code
- Lipniacki T, Puszyński K, Paszek P, Brasier AR, Kimmel M. Single TNFα trimers mediating NF-κB activation: Stochastic robustness of NF-κB signaling, BMC Bioinformatics 8:376 (2007) PubMed CrossRef | PDF PDF-supp1 PDF-supp2 PDF-supp3 Code Code-supp
Early immune response: TCR, BCR
- Barua D, Hlavacek WS, Lipniacki T. A computational model for early events in B cell antigen receptor signaling: analysis of the roles of Lyn and Fyn, Journal of Immunology 189:646-658 (2012) PubMed CrossRef | Code-BioNetGen
- Lipniacki T, Hat B, Faeder JR, Hlavacek WS. Stochastic effects and bistability in T cell receptor signaling, Journal of Theoretical Biology 254(1):110-122 (2008) PubMed CrossRef | PDF-ms Code-ODE Code-Gillespie Code-BioNetGen
- Lipniacki T, Paszek P, Brasier AR, Luxon B, Kimmel M. Stochastic regulation in early immune response, Biophysical Journal 90:725-742 (2006) PubMed CrossRef | PDF Code
p53 network
- Hat B, Kochańczyk M, Bogdał M, Lipniacki T. Feedbacks, bifurcations, and cell fate decision-making in the p53 system, PLOS Computational Biology 12(2):e1004787 (2016) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppText SuppFigs SuppCode
- Bogdał MN, Hat B, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Levels of pro-apoptotic regulator Bad and anti-apoptotic regulator Bcl-xL determine the type of the apoptotic logic gate, BMC Systems Biology 7:67 (2013) PubMed CrossRef | PDF Code-Matlab
- Puszyński K, Bertolusso R, Lipniacki T. Crosstalk between p53 and NF-κB systems: pro- and anti-apoptotic functions of NF-κB, IET Systems Biology 3(5):356-367 (2009) PubMed CrossRef | PDF-ms Code
- Puszyński K, Hat B, Lipniacki T. Oscillations and bistability in the stochastic model of p53, Journal of Theoretical Biology 254(2):452-465 (2008) PubMed CrossRef | Code
MAPK signaling
- Varga A, Ehrenreiter K, Aschenbrenner B, Kocieniewski P, Kochanczyk M, Lipniacki T, Baccarini M. RAF1/BRAF dimerization integrates the signal from RAS to ERK and ROKα, Science Signaling 10(469):eaai8482 (2017) PubMed CrossRef | SuppCode-BioNetGen
- Kochańczyk M, Kocieniewski P, Kozłowska E, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Sparta B, Pargett M, Albeck JG, Hlavacek WS, Lipniacki T. Relaxation oscillations and hierarchy of feedbacks in MAPK signaling, Scientific Reports 6:38244 (2017) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppInfo-PDF SuppCode-BNG SuppCode-MatCont SuppCode-BNG-noisy SuppCode-Comsol SuppMovie
- Kocieniewski P, Lipniacki T. MEK1 and MEK2 differentially control the duration and amplitude of the ERK cascade response, Physical Biology 10(3):035006 (2013) PubMed CrossRef | PDF-ms Code-BioNetGen
- Szymańska P, Martin KR, MacKeigan JP, Hlavacek WS, Lipniacki T. Computational analysis of an autophagy/translation switch based on mutual inhibition of mTORC1 and ULK1, PLOS One 10(3):e0116550 (2015) PubMed CrossRef | PDF supp-BNGL supp-PDF