Zbigniew Korwek

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Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Zbigniew Korwek


e-mail at ippt.pan.pl: zkorwek
tel.: +48 22 8261280 ext. 326
room: 221

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences
Pawińskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland


  • Prus W, Grabowski F, Koza P, Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Type III interferons suppress influenza A virus infection independently of STAT activation by triggering cell death (submitted) bioRxiv
  • Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Prus W, Kosiuk I, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Nonself RNA rewires IFN-β signaling: A mathematical model of the innate immune response, Sci Signal 16(815):eabq1173 (2023) PubMed CrossRef | FullText bioRxiv
  • Grabowski F, Kochańczyk M, Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Prus W, Lipniacki T. Antagonism between viral infection and innate immunity at the single-cell level, PLOS Pathog 19(9):e1011597 (2023) PubMed CrossRef | bioRxiv Code Data
  • Czerkies M, Kochańczyk M, Korwek Z, Prus W, Lipniacki T. Respiratory syncytial virus protects bystander cells against influenza A virus infection by triggering secretion of type I and type III interferons, J Virol 96:22 e01341-22 (2022) PubMed CrossRef | bioRxiv
  • Czerkies M, Korwek Z, Prus W, Kochańczyk M, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Tudelska K, Błoński S, Kimmel M, Brasier AR, Lipniacki T. Cell fate in antiviral response arises in the crosstalk of IRF, NF-κB and JAK/STAT pathways, Nat Commun 9:493 (2018) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppInfo-PDF SuppData SuppMovies SuppCode
  • Kijewska M, Kocyk M, Kloss M, Stępniak K, Korwek Z, Polakowska R, Dąbrowski M, Gieryng A, Wojtas B, Ciechomska IA, Kamińska B. The embryonic type of SPP1 transcriptional regulation is re-activated in glioblastoma, Oncotarget 8:16340–55 (2017) PubMed CrossRef
  • Alster O, Bielak-Zmijewska A, Mosieniak G, Moreno-Villanueva M, Dudka-Ruszkowska W, Wojtala A, Kusio-Kobiałka M, Korwek Z, Burkle A, Piwocka K, Siwicki JK, Sikora E. The role of nibrin in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and cell senescence in Nijmegen breakage syndrome patients lymphocytes, PLOS One 9(8):e104964 (2014) PubMed CrossRef
  • Korwek Z, Alster O. Rola szlaku indukowanego uszkodzeniami DNA w apoptozie i starzeniu komórkowym [The role of the DNA damage response in apoptosis and cell senescence], Postepy Biochem 60(2):248–62 (2014) PubMed | PDF
  • Alster O, Korwek Z. Znaczniki starzenia komórkowego [Markers of cellular senescence], Postepy Biochem 60(2):138-46 (2014) PubMed | PDF
  • Bielak-Zmijewska A, Wnuk M, Przybylska D, Grabowska W, Lewinska A, Alster O, Korwek Z, Cmoch A, Myszka A, Pikula S, Mosieniak G, Sikora E. A comparison of replicative senescence and doxorubicin-induced premature senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells isolated from human aorta, Biogerontology 15(1):47–64 (2014, e-pub 2013) PubMed CrossRef
  • Korwek Z, Bielak-Zmijewska A, Mosieniak G, Alster O, Moreno-Villanueva M, Burkle A, Sikora E. DNA damage-independent apoptosis induced by curcumin in normal resting human T cells and leukaemic Jurkat cells, Mutagenesis 28(4):411–416 (2013) PubMed CrossRef
  • Korwek Z, Sewastianik T, Bielak-Zmijewska A, Mosieniak G, Alster O, Moreno-Villaneuva M, Burkle A, Sikora E. Inhibition of ATM blocks the etoposide-induced DNA damage response and apoptosis of resting human T cells, DNA Repair 11(11):864–873 (2012) PubMed CrossRef