Wiktor Prus
From Laboratory of Modeling in Biology and Medicine
Ph.D., Assistant Professor

e-mail at ippt.pan.pl: <email>wprus</email>
tel.: +48 22 8261280 ext. 448
room: 321
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences
Pawińskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
- Prus W, Grabowski F, Koza P, Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Type III interferons suppress influenza A virus infection independently of STAT activation by triggering cell death (submitted) bioRxiv
- Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Prus W, Kosiuk I, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Nonself RNA rewires IFN-β signaling: A mathematical model of the innate immune response, Sci Signal 16(815):eabq1173 (2023) PubMed CrossRef | FullText bioRxiv
- Grabowski F, Kochańczyk M, Korwek Z, Czerkies M, Prus W, Lipniacki T. Antagonism between viral infection and innate immunity at the single-cell level, PLOS Pathog 19(9):e1011597 (2023) CrossRef PubMed | bioRxiv Code Data
- Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Kosiuk I, Prus W, Lipniacki T. A plausible identifiable model of the canonical NF-κB signaling pathway, PLOS One 8(6):e0286416 (2023) PubMed CrossRef bioRxiv
- PubMed CrossRef bioRxiv , , , , . Respiratory syncytial virus protects bystander cells against influenza A virus infection by triggering secretion of type I and type III interferons, J Virol 96:22 e01341-22 (2022)
- Czerkies M☯, Korwek Z☯, Prus W☯, Kochańczyk M☯, Jaruszewicz-Błońska J, Tudelska K, Błoński S, Kimmel M, Brasier AR, Lipniacki T. Cell fate in antiviral response arises in the crosstalk of IRF, NF-κB and JAK/STAT pathways, Nat Commun 9:493 (2018) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppInfo-PDF SuppData SuppMovies SuppCode
- Tudelska K, Markiewicz J, Kochańczyk M, Czerkies M, Prus W, Korwek Z, Abdi A, Błoński S, Kaźmierczak B, Lipniacki T. Information processing in the NF-κB pathway, Scientific Reports 7:15926 (2017) PubMed CrossRef | PDF SuppInfo-PDF SuppCode-BNGL SuppCode-Py
- Korwek Z, Tudelska K, Nałęcz-Jawecki P, Czerkies M, Prus W, Markiewicz J, Kochańczyk M, Lipniacki T. Importins promote high-frequency NF-κB oscillations increasing information channel capacity, Biol Direct 11:61 (2016) PubMed CrossRef | PDF Scheme-PDF SuppModelInfo-PDF SuppModelCode-BNGL SuppFigs-PDF SuppImages-ZIP
- Góral A, Bieganowski P, Prus W, Krzemień-Ojak Ł, Kądziołka B, Fabczak H, Filipek A. Calcyclin Binding Protein/Siah-1 Interacting Protein is a Hsp90 binding chaperone, PLOS One 1(6):e0156507 (2016) PubMed CrossRef
- Prus W, Zabka M, Bieganowski P, Filipek A. Nuclear translocation of Sgt1 depends on its phosphorylation state, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 43(12):1747–1753 (2011) PubMed CrossRef